Saturday, August 6, 2016

Friendly Reminders

A blank piece of paper is like a poem waiting to be written

Spray Paint and T Shirts

In Michigan for a family reunion and wanted to make some shirts. I based the design on some turn of the century lettering from insurance maps. The couple in the canoe is a nod to the matriarch and patriarch of the clan, both of whom are 86 years old. Due to health reasons, this is this first year they are unable to join us here. 

The process was similar to the shirts we made of Grandma Lil. People brought their own shirts and we amassed a dozen cans of spray paint. Kids had fun picking their own colors and watching their shirt get made. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Royal Decreees

As you can see, the proclamation above suffered some damage at the hands of the dissenting proletariat. Fortunately this dissent did not progress to a more general uprising. Below is an addendum addressing unacceptable levels of general disorder within the kingdom.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Summer Christmas Note

Fritz wrote a note to the elves a few days ago
and they wrote back!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Harlem Views

Here's a quick sketch I did while waiting for the MetroNorth train today. 

And here's a photo of the same vantage point, just for fun.